Water Sealing Resin Injection

We provides an effective approach to the prevention of water migration. On site, our water solutions are effective in combating water migration that has occurred through sheet piles or cofferdams. Our resin injection method is fast and effective, without the need for any excavation.
Phone: 0160 480 1055

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Water Sealing

Water Migration Solutions

The method of resin injection is ideal for solving water ingress. Water ingress is when water makes its way into buildings. Clearly this is a problem which requires immediate attention, and work done needs to be fast and effective. Our use of resin injection ensures that water is redirected away from the building, and this is done in a non-intrusive way which requires no excavation or heavy machinery.

The most common cause of water ingress is through old or deteriorated building materials. In construction, water often enters through piled walls or from beneath. Other causes of water ingress may include:

• Missing roof slates
• Broken guttering
• Rot/damp

Preventative work via resin injection can prevent the need for potentially huge repair work in the future. Our simple but effective water sealing solution is essential for this, and customers will benefit from a small and non-invasive task that prevent further damage caused by water ingress.

Water Sealing Resin Injection

The Solution

The process used at Resin Injection Technology involves the injection of expanding resin materials which create a sealed barrier against water. In construction, our methods can be used when structures are already below the waterline and water ingress needs to be prevented. Our solution to water ingress is efficient and guaranteed to reduce the risk of future issues caused by water ingress. Early prevention is key to avoiding the huge costs that can be incurred by water damage, and Resin Injection Technology are on hand to provide a fast and efficient solution.

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